Ursula Schaefer-Preuss, GWP elnök, újévi üzenete
2013. január 1.

letöltésA GWP 2013. január1-től hivatalban lévő elnöke, Ursula Schaefer-Preuss, üzenettel fordult a partnerek felé. Az angol nyelvű üzenet a továbbiakban olvasható.

New Year?s Message from the new Chair to the GWP Network

Dear friends and colleagues,

Having just attended the Governing Council of the Water Resources Group which met in Davos, Switzerland, I am sending this message to you. At this occasion U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon joined part of the session of the Water Resources Group. He gave a strong message on the importance of water for mankind – water is life – and made reference to the United Nations? International Year of Water Cooperation with the challenge of continuing to achieve the goals set in the Millennium Declaration. This is all about GWP?s joint work during 2013. We have to actively participate in developing the post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. It is important to mobilize the "water voice" in this agenda. With the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 and the World Water Week in Stockholm 2013 in which GWP is an official Collaborating Partner, the GWP network can demonstrate its strength.

Has there been a more significant time to be working for water? As GWP?s new Chair, I am eager to start in the role just as the network is beginning to formulate the strategy that will take us to 2020, based on our actual Strategy 2009-2013. The new strategy will have to respond in particular to the water resources crisis, demonstrate how water management contributes to reaching the yet-to-be-agreed Sustainable Development Goals (not forgetting the challenges of climate change and rapid urbanization), and to convince all users, rich and poor, to share the benefits of water.

GWP is well-positioned to take on this challenge. We have a wonderful and very devoted broad-based membership across the world, all its experience adding to the wealth of GWP?s network.

I do hope we can maintain over the coming years a stable and sustainable resource basis, helping us live up to the ever growing challenges for the GWP network as we pursue our vision of a water secure world. I am prepared to invest all my energies together with you in this endeavour.

With my best wishes for a healthy and productive 2013.


Ursula Schaefer-Preuss
